Thank you for your interest in working for the Office of Housing and Residence Life!

We will be hiring for several positions for the 2025-2026 academic year. All position descriptions are below.


Resident Assistant (RA)- The RA is the most immediate link with residence hall students and must serve as a resource person for students living on the floor and in the hall. RAs are student staff that have received much training in order to live in the community and assist others. RAs are here to listen to your concerns and enforce University policies. They may also be contacted for general questions, concerns, or problems. RAs facilitate, plan, and implement community development and educational activities within the residence halls. They also serve in an on-call duty rotation to respond to after-hours crisis situations. Minimum 2.5 GPA required. Click here to review the full posting and APPLY.

Resident Service Coordinators (RSC)Customer service and safety are our top priorities, and the ROC position is the first step in meeting this goal. The RSCs staff the front lobby welcome desks of the 330 Cooper and 215 N. 3rd street Complex, checks IDs, answers phones/emails, and checks in/out packages and guests.  Additionally, they serve in an on-call duty rotation to manage after hours crisis situations. Minimum 2.5 GPA required. Updated position posting coming soon

Data Analyst- This position must be able to work independently to analyze data and prepare reports. Data will be collected each semester from the Resident Satisfaction Survey that this person will need to analyze. Additionally, an analysis of conduct and CARES cases will be done periodically to identify trends. Minimum 3.0 GPA required. Click here to review the full posting.

Building Manager- The Building Manager (BM) serves OHRL by performing assigned duties of a manual nature that allow the overall mission of the department and the University to continue without interruption to student service and development. BMs assist with inspections, escort contractors, move and assemble furniture, and may perform some lower-level maintenance repairs. The nature of this position requires that the employee be able to work independently to accomplish duties and to maintain standards for safety for the immediate work area and for the entire on campus community. Minimum 2.5 GPA required. Click here to review the full posting.

Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC)- The GPC position is split between two functional focus areas: Residence Life and Housing. Residence Life GPC supervise and support a team of approx. 10 RAs and one of the residential buildings on campus. Housing GPC. assist with the supervision of the Resident Services Coordinators (RSCs), who staff the Welcome Desks in each lobby, as well as serving the department in a more administrative function. All GPC, regardless of functional designation, serve in an on-call duty rotation to support residents and response to after-hours student needs. Minimum 3.0 GPA required. Updated position posting coming soon!



Application Timeline for the Resident Assistant Position

APPLICATION OPENS: Monday, February 24, 2025


APPLICATION CLOSES: Friday, March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm


GROUP PROCESS INTERVIEW DAY: Saturday, March 29, 2025


INDIVIDUAL CALL BACK INTERVIEWS for RA Position: Sunday, March 30, 2025




The application can be completed by clicking here. 

Check back to this page for additional positions, as they should be opening later in the Spring 2025 semester.

Thank you for your interest in joining our team!