Rutgers University provides reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities for their on-campus housing assignment based solely from the Office of Disability Services. We do also provide reasonable housing accommodations for students with other non-medical needs and assist students who require service or support animals while living on campus. All approved accommodations will be shared with staff member within the Office of Housing and Residence Life. 




Medical Housing Accommodations


  • Access to individual air conditioned bedroom
  • Access to non-carpeted spaces
  • Private bathroom
  • Modifications to traditional rooms and apartment spaces
  • Wheelchair accessible room
  • Pillow shakers for students with hearing loss
  • Mini-fridge to store medications

Requesting Medical Housing Accommodations

Students requesting housing accommodations must first register/apply with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) online. The registration form can be found here. Please keep in mind that the type of housing accommodation you are approved for must be available. It is important to submit your application and documentation as described above as soon as you know that you will want to live in on-campus housing. 

  • April 12, 2024: All accommodation renewals must be submitted to secure your accommodation space for the 2024-2025 year 
  • June 1, 2024: All new accommodations must be submitted to secure your priority for an accommodation space 

New Accommodations

            1. Complete ODS Registration by clicking here.
            2. Complete intake meeting with ODS and submit documentation
            3. ODS and OHRL meet to review request
            4. ODS sends approval/denial to student with next steps
            5. Student sets up appointment with OHRL to discuss accommodation implementation

Renewing Accommodations

            1. Meet with your ODS coordinator 
            2. ODS and OHRL meet to review request
            3. ODS sends approval/denial to student with next steps
            4. Student sets up appointment with OHRL to discuss accommodation implementation


Non-Medical Housing Accommodations


  • Students who identify as transgender, nonbinary, or gender non-conforming and need additional privacy
  • Survivors of sexual assault who need accommodations to feel safe on campus

Requesting Non-Medical Housing Accommodations

Students requesting non-medical housing accommodations must submit their request by emailing the Assistant Director of Residence Life at The email should describe the student’s needs and explain why the accommodation is necessary for a successful on-campus experience. Please keep in mind that the type of housing accommodation you are approved for must be available. It is important to submit your application and any documentation as described above as soon as you know that you will want to live in on-campus housing. 

  • April 12, 2024: All accommodation renewals must be submitted to secure your accommodation space for the 2024-2025 year 
  • June 1, 2024: All new accommodations must be submitted to secure your priority for an accommodation space 


Service and Support Animals

  • service animal is any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform a specific task for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Students with service animals should notify Residence Life Student Support so we are aware of the need for an animal in a particular space, and so we can assist with any other needs that the student may have.
  • support animal can be any animal that is legal to own in the state of New Jersey that is not trained to perform a task but simply provides comfort to the individual with a disability with its presence within their living space. Students must receive approval from the Office of Disability Services (ODS) and OHRL to live in university housing with support animals. Please follow this link to complete the ODS intake form.
  • Students with approved animals are not required to or entitled to live in any specific locations on campus.