
Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH), also commonly reffered to as gender-neutral, open, or mixed-gender housing, is intended to meet the evolving needs of Rutgers-Camden students and create a more inclusive, welcoming housing environment. Gender Inclusive Housing will allow for students of any gender identity to live together regardless of their biological sex traits or sex assigned at birth.  The introduction of Gender Inclusive Housing recognizes that traditional, same-gender rooms are not ideal or suitable for all students.
Students that wish to apply and opt-in to a GIH space will have the option to do so as housing contracts becoming available for the upcoming academic year.  Students that wish to live in our traditional, same-gender housing spaces will continue to have that option.

GIH Steps for Students

  1. Submit your Rutgers Camden Housing contract online at
  2. Complete the applicatiion below.
    • If you intend to fill a room, communicate with the other students who intend to live with you and make sure they complete steps 1 and 2 also. 
  3. OHRL will assign you and your roommates to available space in the Camden Apartments or 330 Cooper.

Gender Inclusive Housing Parameters

Placement into a GIH space is NOT guaranteed.

The GIH program is an option for those wishing to live on-campus. Not receiving a GIH placement will not be considered as a reason for cancelling a housing contract.


Students applying for GIH MUST also complete a Camden Housing Contract

The contract can be found online at and it MUST BE COMPLETED in addition to the separate GIH Housing Application (see link above). 


There is no deadline to submit a GIH application

It should be noted that once Online Room Selection begins in the Spring semester it will be difficult to hold spaces for GIH applicants without making adjustments to the room assignments other students have already made. 


At this time GIH will only be available to:

  • Any student with a completed housing application


Students must be at least 18 years of age prior to moving into a GIH space. 

Students that apply for GIH are asked to commit to living in a GIH space for a full academic year- both fall and spring semesters.  Students approved for GIH may re-apply to return to a GIH space for the following year.  Students that move into a GIH space after the start of the academic year are similarly expected to commit to living in the GIH space through the end of the academic year.


The number of GIH spaces will be based on the number of students who apply, with the aim to have full apartments at all times.

Placement into a GIH apartment is not guaranteed. GIH assignments will consider the following:

  • Students that wish to live together in GIH may apply together and fill an entire apartment. 
  • Students may apply individually for GIH and be assigned a roommate (or roommates) by Rutgers-Camden Office of Housing and Residence Life (OHRL). 
  • Prior to moving into a GIH space, students will be required to complete a GIH housing agreement that acknowledges the requirements and parameters of the GIH program. 
  • Students will be encouraged to sign roommate contracts upon moving into a GIH space to aid in having early discussions about the use of common space, personal items, noise, guests, etc. 


No student will be forced to stay in a GIH space.  A student that is placed into a GIH space that no longer wishes to remain in the GIH program will need to notify the Assistant Director of their intent.

The Assistant Director or designee will meet with the student to review available relocation options.  These may include:

  • Relocation to another GIH space in a different room (if space is available)
  • Relocation to a traditional, same-gender housing space

If a vacancy occurs in a GIH space, OHRL reserves the right, as its sole discretion, to:

  • Fill the vacancy with another GIH applicant waiting for an assignment 
  • Revert the space to a traditional, same-gender room 
  • Leave the space vacant until a student interested in GIH becomes available 


OHRL will communicate with the remaining roommates about available options and decisions.

Reasonable accommodations for students needing to relocate will be made as necessary. 


Unless a specific person is requested, students in GIH will be assigned roommates without consideration of gender. 

As with all housing assignments, preferences for roommates are not guaranteed.


GIH is not intended to provide an option for students that are in romantic or sexual relationships to live together.

However, OHRL does not ask a student why they are interested in GIH as a part of the application process.



Please complete this form if you wish to reside in a GIH space.

Gender Inclusive Housing Application